The debut novel featuring Lindsay/ Lindy Grey. Crime on the Sussex Coast: On a black, wet night, Lindy finds his latest client, a wealthy painter and collector, smashed up at the foot of a cliff. Other murders follow. Set on Worthing and Brighton coastline.
BEGIN MURDERER is a British semi-tough thriller of good quality by Desmond Cory. Lindsey Grey, the narrator, is a private, ex-policeman detective who can bang about with the best of them but can also quote poetry in his more reflective moods. Here he investigates the death of a wealthy painter, critic and art collector, and the strange disappearance of much of his collection. Other murders follow.
The ladies in the book, particularly the widow, are luscious to the point of wishful thinking and Mr. Grey's restraint under sustained provocation would entitle him to a pat on the back from St. Anthony himself. The means used to effect the disappearance of the collector's treasures are neat and, I think, original. The villain is unscrupulous enough to appeal to the strangest taste. In short the book is very readable but perhaps tidiness is a little sacrificed to pace. This is Mr. Cory's second thriller: others will be welcome. - Books of the Month
Lindy Grey, though turned out on the thriller model, is a true detective at heart. He has a heart, moreover, though one wouldn't think it from his debut – when, on a black, wet night, he finds his latest client smashed up at the foot of a cliff, and breaks it to the family in wisecracks. There are two "dames", the daughter of the corpse and his alluring widow. The hero's basic principle is to suppress evidence and to delude the police; but it is quite well meant, and all the action is heading somewhere. The style is thoroughly effective and assured. - Illustrated London News
A hitherto unpublished interview with Desmond
Cory has been released with the new pubication
of Undertow by Ostara Publishing.
In the interview, Cory reveals where he
got his pen-name from, and who inspired
him during his early years as a novelist.
View : full
2011 interview with Desmond Cory
With permission of the author and the Desmond
Cory Foundation, some of Cory's novels are
now available in audio format via The Royal
National Institute of Blind People(RNIB).
The RNIB is the leading UK charity offering
practical support and information to anyone
with a sight problem. Their pioneering work
helps - not just with braille, talking books
and computer training but with imaginative
and practical solutions to everyday challenges.
Its patron is the Queen.
The Cory books available in audio include:
Title: Bennett
Narrated by: Peter Barker
Synopsis: Bennett, author of intricate detective
novels, is suspected of having murdered
an au pair on the Costa del Sol.
Title: The Circe Complex
Narrated by: Robert Gladwell
Synopsis: Ollie Milton, psychiatrist and
social worker, plans to spring his girlfriend's
husband out of prison so that he can lay
his hands on the jewels he has stolen and
so carefully hidden. But too many people
get involved, and the results are unexpected.
Both books form part of the psychological
thrillers written by Cory.